Local for local: New charging infrastructure at Circle 77 in Detmold

AÜG Netzwerk relies on the Charging box family AC SMART and the SMARTcharge load management system from Weidmüller

Successful installation of SMARTcharge load management at AÜG Netzwerk in collaboration with Elektro-Lampe.

In the modern new building Circle77 in Detmold, the premium provider for personal services AÜG Netzwerk, shows how sustainable mobility and efficient electrical installation can go hand in hand. Thanks the collorbration with local electro specialist Elektro-Lampe and the pioneering SMARTcharge charging infrastructure from Weidmüller, an environmentally and user-friendly e-car charging park has been created.

Horst Thurau, founder of AÜG Netzwerk, developed the plans for Circle77 himself. Inspired by the idea that life is characterised by cycles, he created a circular building that reflects this. With an area of 3,300 square meters over three floors, the building offers an architectural atmosphere that is great towards sustainability and proper work-life-balance. Cycles also play a central role in the production and use of the company’s own sustainable energy. ‘We consciously focus on measure such as the use of natural light and solar energy as well as the integration of advanced charging options for electric cars’, emphasises Andreas Pörtner, the responsible Managing Director at AÜG.

Holistic building design including SMARTcharge

The surplus electricity from the rooftop PV system now flows into the load management system

The electric car charging park was already taken into account when planning the electrical installation. ’14 charging boxes from the AC SMART ADVANCED series – 10 in the company car park (two with 22kW) and four in the underground car park – were installed. The outdoor stations are elegantly attached to pillars, while the underground car park spaces are equipped with wall-mounted charging stations’, reports Dominik Sosna, Product Manager for SMARTcharge, who supported the project on behalf of Weidmüller. ‘Mainly the 12 hybrid and 4 fully electric company vehicles of AÜG Netzwerk are currently being charged. However, the two 22 kW charging stations in the company car park are to be used exclusively for guests. This differentiation between employee and guest car parks is easily possible with SMARTcharge. The charging processes can be authorised from the reception desk via our dashboard, which is particularly convenient for AÜG Netzwerk guests.’

SMARTcharge is so intuitive to use that we were through with our internal training in just five minutes.

Andreas Pörtner, the responsible Managing Director at AÜG.

Andreas Pörtner, from AÜG Netzwerk in Detmold, is delighted with the successful commissioning.

The decision in favour of the SMARTcharge variant, which can be used to control up to 50 charging boxes from AC SMART family, offers potential for further expansion of the charging park and is therefore a futural-proof investment. Combined with a powerful photovoltaic system on the roof, the installation emphasises AÜG Netzwerk’s commitment to sustainable energy solutions. The PV-system supplies the charging station with surplus solar power, which enables an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient energy supply.

Andreas Pörtner is enthusiastic: ‘For us, it is obvious to use surplus electricity from our PV systems to charge company and guest vehicles. With SMARTcharge, we can manage the charging processes efficiently.'

The AÜG company vehicles will charge at the AC SMART charging boxes in future

The simple operation of the system not only make it easier for employees to use, but also ensures a simple and centralised control. ‘The staff activate the charging boxes using existing RFID-Tags, which are also used for the locking system and time recording.’ explains Pörtner, adding: ‘SMARTcharge is so intuitive to use that we were through with our internal training in just five minutes. The e-charging car park and the load management system won us over in a very short space of time thanks to their ease of use and reliability. We will soon be installing four more charging stations in the outdoor area of Circle77.’

Strengthening local partnerships

Delighted with the local partnership (from left to right) Gerd Schultmann, Andreas Pörtner, Dominik Sosna und Jens Lampe.

Elektro-Lampe from Detmold planned and realised the entire electrical installation, including the charging infrastructure, for Circle77. The charging boxes used, which Weidmüller produces in Detmold, are also local. ‘Close collaboration with local partners was important to us right from the start. Elektro-Lampe and Weidmüller ensured a smooth process thanks to their expertise and well considered planning ‘, says Liza Paulsen, Head of Marketing at AÜG, praising the cooperation. Jens Lampe, Managing Director of Elektro-Lampe GmbH, adds: ‘Cooperation between two local companies is crucial for the efficient and sustainable realisation of projects. Short distances not only facilitate planning and installation, but also continuous maintenance work.

The charging infrastructure at Circle77 is an impressive example of how companies can organise their electromobility strategy in a future-oriented and sustainable way. ‘With the decision in favour of SMARTcharge SMARTcharge and the support of Elektro-Lampe, AÜG Netzwerk is ideally equipped for the mobility requirements of the future.’ says Sosna confidently.

Whether a company charging park, hotel or multi-family property - with the Charging box family AC SMART and the intuitive load management SMARTcharge you are well positioned.

Do you have any questions or individual requirements? Please feel free to contact us!

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Consulting & support

Our intelligent SMARTcharge load management system is up to any challenge. Our e-mobility team is happy to advise you on how you can create your charging network with our AC SMART and SMARTcharge charging box family.

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